
                                              Simon Yam News: April-June 2001          


                                     May 7, 2001   Simon Yam and Pansy Ho Chiu King       

                                            Simon Yam with friend Pansy Ho (daughter of Macau casino magnate 

                                        Stanley Ho, public relations executive and socialite) at a golfing event.

                                                                   Image (left): Singtao         Image (right): Oriental Daily

                                        Simon tees off

                                                                                                           Image (above): Apple Daily


                                        Simon Yam Donates Thousands to School


                                                Yam with school kids           the customary "big check"

                                      April 25, 2001   Simon Yam has donated HK $50,000 to an elementary school in 

                                  Shenyang, China.  Sanney translated the following quotes from Simon on the 

                                   contribution: "I've been making a lot of trips to the Mainland these past few 

                                   years and I've noticed that the schools in rural communities are in really bad 

                                      shape. So, I decided to help them out. Recently, I found out that the local 

                                      government in Shenyang was trying to raise money to build a school so I 

                                       donated some of my money. Actually, HK$50,000 is not enough. I plan to 

                                    organize some fund raising events to raise HK$200,000! I've always valued

                                   education.  Moreover, when I play golf, I meet with a lot of businessmen and 

                                they have donated many books, paper and stationery to the school. It's helped 

                                    cut down on expenses. I also plan to have a small library built for the school

                                                                       so the children can learn more."        


                                                                            Simon Yam

                                                                                                 Images: Oriental Daily        Info: Sanney


                                              ATV Criticized For 'Legend's' Suicide Storyline


                                                 the suicide       the funeral  

                                             April 12:     The HK Broadcasting Authority has given ATV a "warning" over an

                                         episode of Legend: A Dream Named Desire that aired on January 29th. 

                                  The complaint was directed at the suicide of the character Chris' son, and the

                                    negative message it conveyed to the audience about overcoming problems. 

                                    The press release notes that only the parents grief, particularly the father

                                       (played by Simon Yam) countered the tragic effect of the young boy's

                                                                 death, but it was still not strong enough.



                                             Maria Cordero Interviews Simon Yam


                                                                           Simon Yam Image: Oriental Daily

                                         Recently Simon Yam was interviewed on Maria Cordero's cable show, 

                                                                reminiscing about his show business career.


                                                                Simon Yam 2000 News

                                               Current Simon Yam News


                                  Hong Kong Movie World

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                                                            Images from Hong Kong films and publications are copyright to their respective owners.